The company has a capital of 1 322 056 BGN,
distributed in total number of 1 322 056
registered shares of face value of 1.00 BGN. The
shares are only one class - non-cash registered
shares, having voting right. Each share gives to
its owner one voting right at the General
Meeting of the shareholders, dividend right and
liquidating dividend right, proportional to the
nominal value of the share. Special rights and
privileges on the shares are not provided.
Shares are issued upon decision of the General
Meeting of the shareholders.
Bulgarian Stock Exchange - Actual issue
The transfer of the shares of Balkancar
ZARYA is carried out by the order
provided of the law. All the Bulgarian and
foreign physical or legal entities may acquire
shares of the Company at observing the
requirements of the effective Bulgarian
legislation. The shares are registered for
dealings on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange – Sofia
(BSE-Sofia). The dealings in shares may be
carried out only by an investment broker -
member of the BSE - Sofia.