Balkancar ZARYA plc.
1 Tosho Kutev Str.
5200 Pavlikeni, BULGARIA
tel.: +359 610/53061
fax: +359 610/52603
[email protected]

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Febuary 09, 2010
Extraordinary general meeting of shareholders


 Appointed Extraordinary General Meeting Of Sharehloders of Balcancar ZARYA PLC on 17.03.2010 at 11:00 a.m. in Pavlikeni, 1 Tosho Katev Str., under the following agenda:

 -         Preview of the decisions of the general meeting dated on 11.12.2009 of the holders of corporate secured bonds issued by the company, under ISIN BG2100015077 and approval of decisions in the connection as follows:

-         Addoption of the approved on 11.12.2009 by the general meeting of bondholders amendments to the paramenters of the issue of corporate secured bonds under ISIN BG2100015077 in terms of:

1. Extension  of the debenture loan maturity by 12 months according to a new repayment plan

2. Consent to the financial ratios, which Balkancar ZARYA PLC has to maintain for the duration of the issue

-         Commitment of Balkancar ZARYA PLC to no Dividend distribution until all liabilities connected to the issue under ISIN BG2100015077 are repaid

-         Prohibition of the Board of Directors of Balkacar ZARYA PLC and of the Company representativesto carry out transactions affecting the ownership of 100% of the capital of Watts Lanka Ltd – Sri Lanka without the explicit consent of the holders of bonds of the corporate secured bond issue under ISIN BG2100015077

 In the absence of a quorum, the GMS will be held on 02.04.2010 at 11:00 a.m., at the same place and the same agenda.

The voting rights will be entitled to all shareholders registered with the Central depository AD 14 days before the GMS i.e. by 02.03.2010 (Record date).

The final date for the transacting shares of this company on the floor on BSE-Sofia, as a result of which the holder will be entitiled to exercise his/her voting right at the GMS , will be 26.02.2010 (Ex date: 01.03.2010).


Balkancar ZARYA Plc. (BSE-SOFIA: ZARYA) is the single Bulgarian company specialized in steel wheels and rims manufacturing. The Company is recognized as a leading international manufacturer and supplier of a wide range of industrial wheels to the original manufacturers of fork-lift trucks and tyre producers as well as supplier of original wheel parts for the aftermarket. Balkancar ZARYA news and information are available at

ZARYA, ZARJA, ÇÀÐß, Balkancar ZARYA, Moving forward and the Balkancar ZARYA logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of Balkancar ZARYA Plc. and/or its affiliates in the Republic of Bulgaria and certain other countries. All other trademarks mentioned in this document are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Balkancar ZARYA and any other company. This document is Balkancar ZARYA information to the public.

For further information, please contact:
Mr. P. Penchev
Investor Relations
Balkancar ZARYA Plc
tel.: +359 610.52501 ext.111
[email protected]

